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The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are a breakthrough framework gaining global recognition for their ability to unlock human potential and drive systemic change.

Launched in 2020 by some of the world’s leading thinkers and researchers in human behaviour, the IDGs offer a comprehensive approach to personal and collective growth enabling impact. This initiative is rapidly expanding, embraced by leaders across the globe who see the power of inner development in addressing the complex challenges and sustainability issues we face in todays world.

What are the IDGs?

The IDGs are a set of skills, organized into five dimensions, that empower individuals and teams to better understand themselves, relate to each other and stakeholders, and take effective action.

These five dimensions—Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting—provide a roadmap for developing the qualities necessary for thriving in today’s uncertain and interconnected world. Each dimension is associated with 23 specific skills, which act as building blocks for cultivating leadership and fostering meaningful collaboration.

Inner growth leads to outer change

The IDG movement is rooted in the belief that if we want to solve the world’s most pressing problems—whether it’s climate change, inequality, or economic instability—we must first look inward. By cultivating the skills and mindsets necessary for deep collaboration, critical thinking, and courageous action, we can create ripple effects that extend far beyond our individual or organizational boundaries.

Businesses and leaders, are in a unique position to influence the world for the better. By embracing the Inner Development Goals, they can foster not only greater success within their organizations but also contribute to a global movement that prioritizes human growth and collective well-being. The message is clear: inner growth enables outer change.

The Five Dimensions of the IDGs

  1. Being

2. Thinking

3. Relating

The “Relating” dimension strengthens the interpersonal dynamics within teams/organizations, fostering environments where collaboration and mutual respect thrive.

4. Collaborating

The “Collaborating” dimension empowers leaders to harness the collective intelligence of their teams, fostering creativity, innovation and progress on shared concerns.

5. Acting

The “Acting” dimension transforms intentions into tangible outcomes, emphasizing the importance of purpose-driven leadership that creates lasting impact.

By nurturing these five dimensions—Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting—leaders and organizations can unlock their full potential to address complex challenges with clarity, empathy, and resilience. These dimensions build upon one another, creating a holistic framework that supports personal growth, enhances team dynamics, and empowers organizations to tackle the global challenges we face today.

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Into action

Het Terra&Mind avontuur startte een tijdje geleden. Terra staat voor onze aardbol en Mind staat voor de mensheid die onze aardbol bevolkt. Vanuit onze intentie om bij te dragen aan het welzijn van beiden hebben we deze reis aangevat met als doel impact te maken daar waar we kunnen. Concreet betekent dit bedrijven ondersteunen in het duurzaam ondernemen en dit vetrekkende vanuit een duurzame organisatie gebaseerd op duurzame relaties en interacties.

Met andere woorden werken aan de fundamenten van duurzame verandering, zodat deze gedragen en gestuwd wordt door florerende teams. Dit vraagt om focus, prioriteiten stellen, luisterbereidheid, oordelen en vooringenomenheid loslaten, veerkracht, moed, ownership en leadership. Met andere woorden duurzame verandering begint vanuit het individu. 

De Mind Your Mind training ondersteunt in het ontwikkelen van deze kwaliteiten om het duurzaam transformeren van individuen, teams en organisaties mogelijk te maken.